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Kentish Oils – Rapeseed Oil (250ml)

Rapeseed is an excellent alternative to sunflower or olive oil and a healthy addition to your diet. Rapeseed is an excellent alternative to sunflower or olive oil and a healthy addition to your diet, contains 10 times the omega 3 and half the saturated fats of olive oils, is a great source of essential fatty acids, has been proven to reduce cholesterol as part of a healthy diet and contains high levels of Vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body against free radicals (ageing toxins).

In addition to this, because Rapeseed oil has a high burning point, it produces very little smoke and has a pleasing taste that is ideal for roasting, stir-frying or sautéing. The high burn point also helps it to retain more of its antioxidant properties than other oils, making it a healthy and delicious choice for all your culinary adventures, from traditional roast potatoes delicious cakes and pastries.

Gluten free
Suitable for vegans
100% natural ingredients
Good source of Vitamin E


